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How to make Iced Coffee with Instant Coffee

Iced coffee is a delightful treat that becomes particularly appealing as the warmer months approach, but it can be savored all year round. The beauty of iced coffee lies in its ease of preparation, especially when you use instant coffee from Presto Coffee. This not only saves you time but also cuts down on costs. This guide will take you through simple steps to make your own iced coffee using Presto Coffee's instant coffee. Discover the convenience of how to make iced coffee with instant coffee at home, using Presto Coffee's instant granules for a quick and satisfying brew. Learn how to make iced coffee at home using Presto Coffee's instant granules. Whether you're craving a cold coffee or want to enjoy a refreshing cold brew, follow this guide to create your homemade iced coffee. Along the way, we’ll offer tips to customize your drink to perfection. Learn how to make iced coffee at home using Presto Coffee's instant granules.


To create your own iced coffee using Presto Coffee's instant granules, here’s what you’ll need for how to make iced coffee with instant coffee. Whether you're craving a cold coffee or want to enjoy a refreshing cold brew, follow this guide to create your own homemade iced coffee.


Presto Product

Pack Size

Caffeine Content


Best For

Smooth Instant Coffee Multipack

3 x 100g


Barista-grade coffee offering a quick, quality coffee experience. Preserves rich flavour, suitable for iced coffee.

Enjoying a full-flavoured iced coffee.

Half Caf Instant Coffee Multipack

3 x 100g

Reduced caffeine

Provides half the caffeine of regular instant coffees. Ideal for those reducing caffeine intake.

Afternoon or evening iced coffees.

Decaf Instant Coffee Multipack

3 x 100g


Highly rated by customers, suitable for caffeine-sensitive individuals or those preferring caffeine-free options.

Those preferring a decaffeinated iced coffee.


Explore the world of ice coffee recipes and elevate your coffee game to new heights with our simple yet delicious recipes.

Ingredients List

To create your own iced coffee using Presto Coffee's instant granules, here’s what you’ll need:

  • 3 tablespoons warm water: Just enough to dissolve the coffee granules thoroughly.
  • 2 teaspoons instant coffee granules: This is the perfect amount to achieve a strong coffee flavor that stands up to the ice and milk.
  • 1 teaspoon sugar (optional): Adding sugar enhances the sweetness of the coffee, which can be adjusted according to personal preference.
  • 1 cup ice, or as needed: The ice cools the coffee and dilutes it to a refreshing level as it melts.
  • 6 fluid ounces of cold milk: This adds creaminess to the iced coffee. You can use any kind of milk you prefer, such as dairy, almond, soy, oat, or coconut milk.

The optional sugar is recommended for those who prefer a slightly sweeter taste to counter the robustness of the coffee. If you enjoy your coffee without added sweetness, feel free to omit this ingredient. This recipe is designed to be simple and adaptable, allowing you to modify it based on your taste preferences.


To prepare the perfect iced coffee using Presto Coffee’s instant granules, you’ll need the following equipment for how to make iced coffee with instant coffee.

  • Kettle or Microwave
  • Glass or Tall Cup
  • Spoon for Stirring
  • Ice Cube Tray

This set of equipment will help you efficiently make iced coffee at home, allowing for a smooth preparation process and an enjoyable drinking experience.

Step-by-Step Guide to making Iced Coffee with Instant Coffee

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Iced Coffee with Instant Coffee

Love the convenience of instant coffee? Wonder how to brew instant coffee for iced coffee? Learn how to make iced coffee with instant coffee and enjoy a quick cup of instant iced coffee anytime, anywhere.
Learn how to make iced coffee at home using Presto Coffee's instant granules with our step-by-step instructions.Follow this Ice coffee recipe top get a perfect cup of coffee.

1. Preparing the Coffee Base

  • Boil Water: Start by boiling a small amount of water. You only need enough to fully dissolve the instant coffee about 3 tablespoons.
  • Dissolve the Coffee: In a cup, combine 2 teaspoons of instant coffee granules with the hot water. Stir the mixture vigorously until the coffee granules are completely dissolved. This creates a concentrated coffee base.

2. Cooling Down

  • Allow to Cool: Let the coffee mixture cool to room temperature to prevent the ice from melting too quickly when added.
  • Quick Cool Option: For a quicker cool down, you can place the coffee in the refrigerator for a few minutes. Alternatively, if you're in a rush, mix the coffee granules with cold water directly, although more stirring will be necessary to dissolve the coffee.

3. Adding Ice and Milk

  • Ice:Why Use Coffee Ice Cubes? Regular ice cubes melt and dilute the flavor of your iced coffee. Fill your glass with ice cubes to the desired level.
  • Pour in Milk: Add about 6 fluid ounces of cold milk or a milk alternative to the glass. You can skip this step if you prefer your coffee black.

4. Customizing Your Drink

  • Sweeten Your Coffee: If you prefer a sweeter taste, add a teaspoon of sugar or your preferred sweetener. This is also the time to incorporate any flavoured syrups, like vanilla or caramel, adjusting to your taste.

5. Serve

  • Stir and Enjoy: Give the iced coffee a final stir to mix all the ingredients well. Adjust any flavorings if needed, and enjoy your refreshing drink.

So now you have discovered how to make an iced coffee at home using Presto Coffee's instant granules with our easy-to-follow guide. So now you know how to prepare instant coffee for your perfect cup of iced coffee. For further details and innovative ways to enhance your coffee-making experience, you might want to explore resources from UK-based coffee experts like The UK Coffee Week blog, which offers insight into various coffee brewing techniques and the benefits of different coffee styles across the UK. This resource can provide you with a deeper understanding and perhaps new methods to enrich your coffee experience.

Advanced Tips

Explore advanced techniques for how to make iced coffee with instant coffee, elevating your coffee experience with Presto Coffee's instant granules. This set of equipment will help you efficiently make iced coffee at home, allowing for a smooth preparation process and an enjoyable drinking experience. Here are some expert tips for enhancing your iced coffee experience, addressing common queries, and providing ways to customize your drink further:

1. Coffee Ice Cubes

  • Why Use Coffee Ice Cubes?: Regular ice cubes melt and dilute the flavor of your iced coffee. To avoid this, freeze some of your brewed coffee in an ice cube tray and use these coffee ice cubes instead. As they melt, they slowly release more coffee instead of water, maintaining the robust flavor of your drink throughout.
  • How to Make Coffee Ice Cubes: Simply pour leftover or extra brewed coffee into an ice cube tray and freeze. You can use the same instant coffee mix that you use for your iced coffee. Once frozen, use these instead of regular ice cubes to chill your coffee without diluting its taste.

2. Dairy-Free Variants

  • Choosing Non-Dairy Milks: Many people opt for non-dairy alternatives either due to dietary restrictions, lactose intolerance, or personal preference towards vegan options. Oat, almond, and coconut milk are popular choices because they each add a unique flavor and texture to the coffee.
  • What to Expect from Each Type:

Milk Alternative



Oat Milk

Creamy and slightly sweet

Rich and smooth, enhances sweetness

Almond Milk

Lighter and thinner

Subtle, nutty

Coconut Milk

Thicker and creamy

 Tropical, with a distinct richness

  • Tip: Experiment with different milks to find which complements your taste the best. Some might prefer the richness of oat milk while others might enjoy the lightness of almond milk.

3. Serving Suggestions

  • Best Time to Serve: Iced coffee is best enjoyed immediately after it’s made to capture the essence of all the ingredients while they are fresh and vibrant. Delaying can lead to a loss of peak flavors and aromatics.
  • Garnishing Ideas:



Ideal For


Adds a fresh, crisp finish

Refreshing on hot days


Offers a warm, subtle spice

A cozy, spiced touch

Whipped Cream

Adds decadence and creaminess, optional drizzle

Luxurious, dessert-like coffee

  • Creative Presentation: Serve in a clear glass to show off the layers of coffee and milk, and consider using a decorative straw or cocktail umbrella for a fun, festive look.

Get ready to become an expert at making iced coffee at home. With Presto Coffee's instant granules, you'll know exactly how to make an iced coffee at home that's just right for you.

Benefits of Homemade Iced Coffee with Instant Coffee

Benefits of Homemade Iced Coffee with Instant Coffee

Savor the convenience and flavor of how to make iced coffee with instant coffee at home, offering you a refreshing caffeine boost whenever you need it. Homemade iced coffee, especially when made with instant coffee, offers several benefits that make it an attractive option for many coffee enthusiasts. Here are the key advantages, along with a summary of its nutritional value:




Quick and Refreshing

Provides a speedy caffeine boost that's also cooling, perfect for warm days.

Customizable to Dietary Needs

Easily adapted to various dietary restrictions, including vegan and sugar-free diets.


Significantly cheaper than buying iced coffee at a café.


Nutritional Value (Typical per Serving)






Instant Coffee (2 tsp)


0.2 g

0 g

1 g

Semi-Skimmed Milk (6 fl oz)


6.1 g

4.3 g

12 g

Sugar (1 tsp)


0 g

0 g

4.2 g

Note: Nutritional values can vary based on the exact ingredients used and portion sizes.

Health Benefits

Iced coffee not only offers a delicious way to enjoy coffee but also includes some health benefits:

  • Hydration: While coffee can be a mild diuretic, the high water content in iced coffee helps maintain hydration levels.
  • Increased Metabolism: Caffeine can increase metabolic rate, which may aid in weight management.
  • Rich in Antioxidants: Coffee is a major source of antioxidants, which can combat free radicals and reduce oxidative stress.

For more detailed insights into the health benefits of coffee, you may consult resources from UK-based experts, such as the British Nutrition Foundation. They offer comprehensive guides on nutritional aspects of various foods, including coffee. Here are a couple of links that might be helpful:

These sources provide credible information about the benefits and considerations related to coffee consumption, helping you make informed decisions about incorporating coffee into your diet.

Detailed Comparison of Homemade Iced Coffee vs. Café-Prepared Iced Coffee


Homemade Iced Coffee

Café-Prepared Iced Coffee


Nutritional Control

Complete control over ingredients allows for healthier choices, such as low-calorie sweeteners and alternative milks.

Ingredients and additions might not be as transparent, often leading to higher calorie counts.

Homemade versions can be tailored to reduce sugar and fat intake, which is beneficial for health-conscious consumers.


Ingredients like milk and coffee are added fresh per each serving.

Pre-prepared components like syrups and milk blends may be used, affecting freshness.

Freshly made coffee and milk provide a taste and quality advantage in homemade iced coffee.

Flavour Authenticity

Limited by the quality of instant coffee; however, flavour enhancers like syrups or spices can mimic café quality.

Superior flavour from freshly ground coffee beans and professional brewing techniques.

While café coffee might taste better due to brewing techniques, homemade allows for authentic personalisation.


Significantly cheaper per cup, especially when using household ingredients.

Generally more expensive per serving due to overheads and quality of ingredients.

Homemade iced coffee provides a cost-effective alternative to café purchases.


The enjoyment of DIY and the comfort of home, plus the satisfaction of customising your own brew.

The ambiance of a café and professionally served drinks can enhance the overall experience.

Although café visits offer a unique atmosphere, homemade coffee offers personal satisfaction and comfort.


What to Avoid When Making Iced Coffee

1. Over-sweetening

  • Consequences:
    • Health Impact: Adding excessive sugar or sweeteners can significantly increase the calorie content of your iced coffee, potentially leading to unwanted weight gain if consumed regularly. High sugar intake is also associated with an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, and other health issues.
    • Flavor Masking: Too much sweetness can drown out the intrinsic flavors of coffee, including its natural bitterness and aromatic notes, making your drink less about the coffee and more about the sugar.
  •  Practical Advice:
    • Gradually add sweeteners and taste as you go. Consider natural sweeteners like honey or agave for a healthier option that also complements the coffee's flavor.

Extra Tips:

  • Avoid Low-Quality Ice: Using low-quality or old ice that's been sitting in the freezer can introduce unwanted freezer odors and flavors into your coffee. Use fresh, clean ice made from filtered water to maintain the purity and taste of your iced coffee.
  • Mind the Coffee-to-Water Ratio: Too little coffee with too much water can result in a weak and watery drink that lacks depth and richness. Conversely, too much coffee can make your drink overly strong and unpalatably bitter. Find a balance that suits your taste preference.

By paying attention to these more nuanced aspects of making iced coffee, you can avoid common pitfalls and enhance both the enjoyment and quality of your beverage.

Science of Coffee Flavours

When brewing iced coffee with instant coffee, the complex chemistry of coffee still plays a crucial role in defining the beverage's final taste, aroma, and body. Here’s how specific non-volatile and volatile compounds in coffee affect your iced coffee:

1. Alkaloids: Caffeine and Trigonelline

  • Caffeine: This well-known stimulant is largely responsible for the perceived strength and bitterness in coffee. In iced coffee, caffeine's bitterness can be more pronounced unless balanced with milk or sweeteners.
  • Trigonelline: It contributes to the aromatic complexity and slightly sweet, nutty flavors in coffee. During the roasting process necessary for making instant coffee, trigonelline forms niacin and other volatile compounds that add to the aroma, which can enhance the sensory experience of iced coffee even as it cools.

2. Chlorogenic Acids

  • These are significant antioxidants and contribute to the bitterness and astringency of coffee. When making iced coffee, especially with lighter roasts of instant coffee, chlorogenic acids can impart a bright, tangy edge that might need to be balanced with a creamy element or a sweetener to suit some palates.

3. Carboxylic Acids

  • These include various organic acids like citric, malic, and acetic acids. They contribute to the overall acidity of coffee, influencing its crispness and tartness. In iced coffee, the refreshing acidity can be particularly appealing, providing a lively contrast to the sweetness and creaminess of added ingredients.

4. Melanoidins

  • Formed during the Maillard reaction as the coffee is roasted, melanoidins contribute to the rich color and full-bodied mouthfeel of coffee. In iced coffee, they help maintain some of the body that could otherwise be lost due to dilution from ice.

5. Lipids and Minerals

  • Lipids: Contribute to the mouthfeel and viscosity of coffee. In instant coffee used for iced beverages, lipids can help carry flavors and contribute to a smoother texture.
  • Minerals: Found in varying amounts depending on the water used to brew the coffee, minerals can affect flavor perception and the efficiency of flavor extraction from coffee granules.

Practical Tips for Enhancing Iced Coffee with Instant Coffee

  • Balancing Flavors: Since compounds like chlorogenic acids and caffeine can introduce bitterness, balance this with the right amount of sweetener or milk.
  • Proper Dissolution: Ensure the instant coffee is completely dissolved in hot water before cooling; this helps in properly releasing and integrating all flavor compounds.
  • Temperature Management: Start with hot water to dissolve the coffee but let it cool slightly to preserve aromatic compounds before adding ice to avoid dilution and thermal shock, which can mute some flavors.

Understanding these components allows you to tweak the brewing process and ingredient ratios to create a perfectly balanced and flavorful iced coffee.

Coffee Additives for Enhanced Flavor

Additive Type


Flavor Contribution

Usage Tips



Adds a warm, sweet aroma that pairs well with the richness of coffee.

Sprinkle ground cinnamon over the coffee after brewing or stir a cinnamon stick directly into the drink.


Imparts a nutty and slightly sweet flavor, enhancing the depth of the coffee.

Grate a small amount of fresh nutmeg into your coffee for a subtly spicy note.


Introduces a complex, aromatic sweetness with a hint of spice, often used in Middle Eastern coffee.

Crush a few cardamom pods and add them to the coffee while brewing or stir powdered cardamom into the finished drink.



Provides a cool, refreshing contrast to the bitterness of coffee, ideal for summer drinks.

Add fresh mint leaves directly into the coffee or use them as a garnish for a vibrant touch.


Offers a floral, slightly sweet note that makes the coffee more aromatic and soothing.

Infuse a small amount of dried lavender with the hot water used for brewing, or sprinkle edible lavender on top.


Experiment with various additives to enhance the flavor of how to make iced coffee with instant coffee at home, creating a personalized and delightful beverage.

How to Store Iced Coffee Properly

Storage and Shelf Life of Iced Coffee Made with Instant Coffee

Proper Storage

  • Storage Method: To preserve the freshness and flavor of iced coffee, it should be stored in a refrigerator immediately after preparation. Use an airtight container or a sealed jug to minimize exposure to air, which can degrade the coffee's flavor over time.
  • Practical Example: If you've made a large batch of iced coffee, pour it into a clean, airtight glass bottle or a BPA-free plastic pitcher with a tight-fitting lid. This will keep the coffee fresh and prevent absorption of other flavors from the fridge.

Shelf Life

  • Duration: Once prepared, iced coffee can be kept in the refrigerator for about 1-2 days for optimal taste. Beyond this period, the quality begins to decrease, though it may still be safe to drink.
  • Signs of Spoilage: You can tell if iced coffee has gone bad if it develops an off smell, an unusual taste, or visible mold. Any change in the color or the presence of mold means the coffee should be discarded immediately.
  • Instant Coffee Granules: Unprepared instant coffee granules have a much longer shelf life. They can last well beyond their "best by" date if stored properly in a cool, dry place. Proper storage for instant coffee granules involves keeping them in an airtight container away from moisture and light. Under ideal conditions, instant coffee granules can last for several years without a significant loss in quality.

Key Points

  • Do Not Leave at Room Temperature: Never leave iced coffee at room temperature for more than a couple of hours as it increases the risk of bacterial growth.
  • Monitor for Freshness: Even in the fridge, regularly check your iced coffee for any signs of spoilage, especially if it contains milk or cream, as these components can spoil faster.

By following these practical guidelines for storage and understanding the shelf life, you can ensure that your iced coffee remains delicious and safe to drink, while also maximizing the use of your instant coffee granules.Discover the dos and don'ts of making iced coffee with instant coffee. Also, learn the trick to making smooth iced milk coffee at home.

Want to know how to prepare iced coffee like a pro? Follow our guide and impress your friends with your homemade creations.
Ever thought about how to make soluble coffee? Find out how to do it easily with our guide.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why does my iced coffee taste watery?

If your iced coffee tastes watery, it might be due to too much ice melting too quickly. Try using coffee ice cubes made from frozen coffee instead of regular water ice cubes, or ensure your coffee base is stronger by using less water during initial mixing.

2. How can I make my iced coffee stronger?

To increase the strength of your iced coffee, you can add an extra teaspoon of instant coffee granules when preparing the base or reduce the amount of water used to dissolve the granules. Adjust according to your taste preference.

3. What should I do if my iced coffee isn’t sweet enough?

You can always add more sweetener to taste after mixing your coffee. If you frequently find your iced coffee not sweet enough, consider adding the sweetener to the hot water and coffee mixture to ensure it dissolves completely before cooling.

4. My iced coffee has a bitter taste; how can I fix it?

Bitterness in iced coffee can often be tempered by adding a dash of cream or a slightly increased amount of your preferred sweetener. Also, ensure you're not using overly hot water which can over-extract the coffee and lead to bitterness.

5. How can I prevent my iced coffee from becoming diluted?

Apart from using coffee ice cubes, serve iced coffee in a pre-chilled glass to slow down ice melting. You can also store your iced coffee in the fridge until just before serving to keep it colder for longer.

6. Can I prepare iced coffee in advance?

Yes, you can prepare iced coffee in advance. It typically stays fresh when stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for up to 48 hours. Remember to give it a good stir before serving as the contents may settle.

7. What can I do if my iced coffee isn't mixing well?

If you're finding that the coffee granules aren't dissolving properly, ensure that you initially mix them with a small amount of hot water to create a smooth paste before adding cold water or milk. This method helps to fully dissolve the coffee without clumps.

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